Anime enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the release of Sakamoto Days Chapter 158, featuring the thrilling escapades of Taro Sakamoto. Scheduled for release on Sunday, March 10, at 10 am ET, fans can dive into the action on various platforms including Shonen Jump+, Viz Media, and MANGAPlus.
Sakamoto Days Chapter 158: What To Expect?
In the upcoming chapter, readers can anticipate heightened suspense and action as Shin’s confrontation with Haruma intensifies within the Assassin Exhibition Of The Century Arc. Yoto Suzuki’s creative narrative has captivated audiences, chronicling Sakamoto’s endeavor to lead a tranquil life post-retirement amidst the persistent allure of the underworld. With ten enthralling arcs preceding it, Chapter 158 promises to delve deeper into the ongoing saga.
Sakamoto Days: Where To Read?
Sakamoto Days enthusiasts can access the latest installment via the official Viz Media website, catering primarily to audiences in the US and Canada, or through the Shonen Jump app. The release date is set for Sunday, March 10, 2024, with an approximate page count of 25. Subsequent chapters may follow in the forthcoming week.
Sakamoto Days Chapter 157: Recap
Chapter 157 primarily featured the intense showdown between Haruma and Shin, a confrontation poised to continue in Chapter 158. As Haruma emerges from the wreckage, Shin asserts his disregard for established protocols in combat. Their verbal exchange culminates in Haruma’s desire for an epic duel, prompting Shin to strategize his ultimate triumph.
Sakamoto Days Chapter 158: Release Date
Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 10, at 10 am ET, when Sakamoto Days Chapter 158 will debut across select platforms. Indian viewers can access the chapter starting from 8:30 pm IST, while readers in Japan can indulge in the latest installment from March 11, at 12 am JST.