Netflix has released the official trailer for Zack Snyder’s animated series Twilight of the Gods. The series follows the story of revenge led by two warriors, Sigrid and Leif, against the god Thor. The series is set to premiere on Netflix on September 19, 2024. Snyder directed and co-wrote the series, shaping the tone by directing the first episode.
The series revolves around a mortal king, who is saved by a warrior on the battlefield. Over time, the two fall in love. However, their happiness is shattered on their wedding night when a tragedy strikes, leading Sigrid on a path of revenge. She and Leif, two warriors with nothing left to lose, embark on a mission to take down Thor.
Twilight of the Gods Trailer
The trailer highlights Zack Snyder’s signature style, including grand story arcs and slow-motion scenes. The plot reveals that Sigrid and Leif’s family is destroyed by a god, which fuels their desire for revenge. The visuals provide glimpses of the devastation that pushes the protagonists toward their goal. Sigrid, voiced by Sylvia Hoeks, and Leif, voiced by Stuart Martin, join forces with Loki, portrayed by Paterson Joseph, in their attempt to defeat Thor, played by Pilou Asbæk.
Norse Mythology Setting
Twilight of the Gods is inspired by Norse mythology, exploring how humans coexist with gods. Director and writer Zack Snyder, along with co-creators Jay Oliva and Eric Carrasco, chose this mythological setting to depict the power imbalance between gods and humans. They aim to show how humans, despite their struggles, play a significant role in this fantasy world.
Twilight of the Gods Voice Cast
The voice cast includes many notable actors. Besides Hoeks, Martin, and Asbæk, the series features Rahul Kohli as Egill, Jamie Clayton as Seid-Kona and Kristofer Hivju as Andvari. Peter Stormare voices Ulfr, while John Noble plays Odin. These talented actors add depth to the animated characters in the series.
Release Schedule
The eight episodes of the series will premiere together on Netflix. Directed by Snyder and others like Jay Oliva and David Hartman, the show will be available for streaming on September 19, 2024.