The iconic animated sitcom, King of the Hill, is set to make a comeback with a reboot on Hulu. Created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels in the ’90s, the show follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill and his eccentric family and friends in Arlen, Texas. After its original run on Fox ended in 2010, Hulu announced the revival in early 2023, reuniting much of the original cast and creators.
Development and Release Date Updates
Following the resolution of Hollywood’s writers’ and actors’ strikes by November 2023, Greg Daniels, co-creator of King of the Hill, provided insights into the reboot’s progress. Before the strikes, the team had completed table-reads for two episodes, expressing enthusiasm for the project. Despite the disruptions caused by the strikes, work resumed, with Daniels hinting at a possible premiere in early 2025.
An exact episode count for the reboot remains unconfirmed, but the focus has been on scripting the initial episodes. Daniels’ estimation of the premiere date aligns with the resolution of the strikes, suggesting a likely release period.
Cast and Characters
The reboot will see the return of several original voice cast members, including Mike Judge as Hank Hill, Kathy Najimy as Peggy Hill, and Pamela Adlon as Bobby Hill. Other familiar characters like Bill, Dale, and Connie will also make a comeback, voiced by their respective actors.
However, the reboot faces a challenge following the passing of Johnny Hardwick, the voice behind Dale Gribble. Hardwick had contributed to a few episodes before his death, leaving uncertainty regarding Dale’s future in the series.
Additionally, discussions surround the character Kahn, voiced by Toby Huss, with considerations to recast the role to reflect modern casting norms.
Expected Release and Synopsis
The King of the Hill Reboot is anticipated to premiere on Hulu in early 2025, offering a fresh take on the beloved characters and their lives in Arlen, Texas. The series promises to explore contemporary themes while retaining the essence of the original show’s humor and charm.
As anticipation builds for the King of the Hill Reboot, fans eagerly await further updates on its development and release. With the return of familiar voices and new stories set to unfold, the reboot promises to reignite nostalgia while embracing the spirit of modern times.