The latest developments in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga shed light on the escalating conflict against Sukuna and the sacrifice of Hiromi Higuruma. As Yuji grapples with a plan set in motion before Higuruma’s demise, readers eagerly anticipate the upcoming Chapter 248 to unravel the mysteries behind Yuji’s strategy.
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 248: Plot Progression
Sukuna’s relentless spree of victims intensifies, with the recent chapter documenting the death of Hiromi Higuruma. However, it becomes apparent that Higuruma’s sacrifice was a premeditated move, intricately linked to the salvation of Megumi. The chapter concludes with poignant parallels between the deaths of Nanami and Higuruma, leaving their wills entrusted to Yuji.
Yuji’s Emotional Struggle
As the storyline unfolds, Yuji finds himself thrust into the throes of emotional turmoil, compelled to confront the trauma of losing a significant figure in his life. Chapter 248 is poised to delve deeper into the sorcerer’s plans, unraveling the intricacies of Higuruma’s technique and the overarching strategy set in motion.
Release Date and Time
Owing to a Shonen Jump break, Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 248 is scheduled for release on January 21 at 12 am JST. For global readers, the release timings are as follows:
8:00 am Pacific Time
11:00 am Eastern Time
4:00 pm British Time
5:00 pm European Time
8:30 pm Indian Time
11:00 pm Philippine Time
Spoiler Speculation: What Lies Ahead
The recent chapters have not only witnessed Higuruma’s demise but also showcased Yuji employing Choso’s Piercing Blood technique. Sukuna’s encounter with Choso leaves his fate uncertain as the severity of injuries does not necessarily indicate his demise.
Speculations surround Yuji’s utilization of Blood Manipulation, a skill learned from Noritoshi Kamo and Choso. However, the extent of Yuji’s capabilities remains ambiguous, leaving room for further revelations. Chapter 248 concludes with Yuji brandishing Higuruma’s Executioner Sword, hinting at a pivotal moment in the face-off against Sukuna.
As the confrontation between Yuji and Sukuna unfolds, the impending release of spoilers promises additional insights into Yuji’s technique and the intricacies of Higuruma’s sacrifice.